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Mona Leau/刘默霏

b. 1998

刘默霏,艺术家,观念摄影师。辽宁沈阳人,1998年出生,现居美国波士顿。本科毕业于加州艺术学院Calarts摄影系,研究生毕业于波士顿大学艺术管理系。她以影像和装置作为方法论,探索自己与世界的联系。她热衷于挑战观念的被动形式,并通过感知转化个体生命的痛苦。不可见的通过视角的改变而变得可见,而可见的通过信息与图像之间的视觉张力而被解构。她的作品曾在厦门三影堂摄影艺术中心、纽约Carriage Trade Gallery、深圳空体实验室、厦门北欧当代艺术中心等地展览。

Mona Leau (b. 1998) is a conceptual photographer and visual artist based in Boston. She graduated from the California Institute of the Arts with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography, and received a Master of Arts in Art Administration from Boston University. She adopts photography and installation as a methodology to explore the connection between herself and the world. In Leau’s works, she is enthusiastic about challenging the passive forms of concepts and transforming the pain of individual life through perceptions. The invisible is made visible through the alteration of perspectives while the visible is deconstructed through a visual tension between information and images. Her works have been exhibited internationally in Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, Shenzhen KONGLAB, Xiamen Nordic Contemporary Art Center and others.

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