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Codie Yan/颜乙


Codie Yan是一位正在探索中的创作者,她的媒介涉及摄影、影像、装置、表演等。她用自我熟悉的媒介去探索女性与自我意识。她喜欢发掘微小的细节与平凡的视角,用温和而细微的叙事去探索一些抽象而又普遍的议题:身份与认同、情绪与创伤、人与人之间的联系等。Codie毕业于美国雪城大学视觉与表演艺术学院,她的摄影、影像、以及装置作品曾在美国的Light Work摄影中心、锡拉丘兹国际电影节、上海油罐玩家艺术节等展出。

Codie Yan's work combines photography, collage, video, performance, and installation to explore the narratives and power of womanhood and selfhood. Yan's work is often tender and personal yet is constantly questioning and reflecting on the complexity of identity, alienation and trauma, human connections and warmth. Yan earned her BFA from Syracuse University. Her work has been exhibited at Light Work Photography Center, Syracuse International Film Festival, and Tank Art Center in Shanghai. She has attended the Artist in Residence program at Three Shadows Photography Center in Xiamen, China.

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